Within the project “More than just finger across the map” funded within ‘Act Locally VIII’ project, Polish – American Freedom Foundation conducted by the Academy Growth of Philanthropy in Poland “and the Centre Act Locally – Youth Forum of Local Government,
Members and Supporters SP TRAMP visited Zielona Góra, the Polish Capital of Wine.
The main point of the program was the only one in Poland colorful pageant of Wine Fest. We admired the quality and ingenuity of participants paradise.
We visited the old town of charming tenements. We saw the skyline from the top of the hill covered with vines. The Palm House enjoyed us. The final concert of the team Kombi led to a sore throat all of us.
The next day we saw the old German stabilization and the world’s tallest Monument Christ the King.
However, we remember most pleasant visit to the vineyard Milosz family, where we saw the winery and tasted local wine.