The fact that sailing is not only a passion but a way of life – telling our residents Jan Kopański – This is a school of life and hard work on board, working with ropes, night watch and shifts in the kitchen. It contact with people, much more complete than the one with which we deal with every day, and friendships are born for life. Sailing gives you a sense of freedom, recalls the elementary matters as joint work and fun, restores the proper order of things. It’s a great adventure, sightseeing, tours to the scenic ports. Sailing makes you feel on your own skin touch the elements of water, land and air.
The meeting was held within the project “More than just finger across the map” funded within ‘Act Locally VIII’ project, Polish – American Freedom Foundation conducted by the Academy Growth of Philanthropy in Poland “and the Centre Act Locally – Youth Forum of Local Government, implemented by the Association of Travelers TRAMP of the Municipal public Library in Gostyni.